I'm crazy!! two posts in one day when I haven't posted in months. Anyway, I've also been obssesd with making these bags! I made a black and wite one for my friend for her Birthday and I liked it so much I made one for my girlscamp secret sister!!!
First I cut two piece of fabric of the same size but diferent colors for the main bag part. and I sewd them togeter at the tops, then I did the side seams to make a bag!
Next I cut a piece of the same fabric that is the inside of the bag and made the ruffle. I just basted it, gatered it and then sewed it on to the bag.
Then I made the strap. My strap was about the same thickness as my ruffle. one side of the strap I sewed to the back side of the bag and the other side I tied in a bow and handsewed it to the top of the ruffle.
This Is how the strap should look.
Then I pulled the bottom corners in and sewed them.
Sorry This isn't a verry discriptiv picture!!
And then....YOUR FINNISHED!!!!
15 hours ago
So cute! You should have an etsy shop. You could make big money.